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Connecting mindfully in a digital world


The Goal

As I've been mentioning I will be leaving social media, at least for the first half of 2025, and attempting to migrate my community over to a WhatsApp Community group, Way of Tea - SLO. I would like to share with you how this will benefit both you all as well as how it will benefit myself. As we are all interconnected if something benefits me, I believe it will absolutely benefit you and so I am very excited to embark on what I think will create a mutually nourishing relationship of reciprocity in my new way of sharing with the world. But before I do so let me share with you the most basic goal behind this, what-might-be-considered, radical move (especially for a modern day business) and it's really quite simple. I so highly value, honor, and respect both yours and my dedicated presence within our own lives that I no longer want to be complicit to an app that's very nature is about stealing that away. I believe that this new way forward will support my mission to help people find more joy, reverence, harmony, balance, and peace in their lives by working within a framework (ie: app) that is not attention-stealing, is not highly addicting, does not have a million distractions and endless noise streaming out of it, and is in essence non-imposing. As I've been been exploring this goal I have realized what I am searching for in connecting with my people is the essence of how I very consciously try to move through life myself, always with authenticity, respect, and non-imposing (I'm here when you need me). I realize by doing this I may be sacrificing the success of my business in a way, but it is a sacrifice I am willing to make for both myself and for you all, and who knows...maybe it will inspire others to find new, better, more meaningful ways to connect so that we can all be more present in our lives. Plus, how can I live fully in my purpose when I am actively using an app that is so out of alignment with that very purpose?

I so highly value, honor, and respect both yours and my dedicated presence within our own lives that I no longer want to be complicit to an app that's very nature is about stealing that away.

Here is why I cannot in good faith continue on Instagram

I always call Instagram "Time Square in our pocket". Instant access to all the information, all the advertisements, everyone hoping for a piece of your attention. Everyone is selling you something it seems. I don't know about you but I cannot stand the infomercials which are coming from everyone and the people yammering at me constantly. I originally went off Instagram in 2016 when stories became a thing because I couldn't stand it and if I'm being honest, that may be the very thing that is the biggest thorn in my side this time around too. It is so detrimental to the nervous system.

In embodying the tea tree, I do not force anyone to come to me. I am here full of the wisdom and amazing energy that I cultivate from my practice and from nature and should you want to learn or share in that wisdom and energy, I trust that you will make the effort to find me.

You may ask, "But...aren't you trying to sell us something too?" Yes, obviously I am. But it is not in my nature to compete for your attention or steal your attention. I honestly have a lot of respect for people's attention and only want you to give it if it is something you are able and willing to give. I want your permission to connect. I also don't want to convince anyone that what I have to offer, they need. Tea is amazing, tea is transformative, tea could truly change our world. It's changed mine. But in embodying the tea tree, I do not force anyone to come to me. I am here full of the wisdom and amazing energy that I cultivate from my practice and from nature and should you want to learn or share in that wisdom and energy, I trust that you will make the effort to find me. By using WhatsApp, I feel I am able to be more respectful of people's attention. People who are really interested will join my group. They will not have to navigate an app full of so much other noise to find the simple information they are looking for. Let's be honest, if you're anything like me when I hop on Instagram there is so much noise that I often get distracted and forget what I originally came on to find. So in this way I am also being respectful of your precious time.

I will also benefit because my time will also not be wasted. Streamlining everything very simply on WhatsApp will be quick. No worries about competing for your attention or trying to worry if the algorithm will even let me be seen. No worries about making anything appealing for maximum likes or visibility. Just a simple, humble list of what I have to offer the community. Operating this way will not only save my sanity (because I don't know about you, I am enjoying very little of this) but also save so much energy that I will be using to strengthen my own personal practice. And in strengthening my own personal practice that directly flows into deepening and enriching what I have to offer others.

And in strengthening my own personal practice that directly flows into deepening and enriching what I have to offer others

This is how it works:

Once you open WhatsApp, without distraction you can find the group and find the information which will be straightforward and un-cluttered. One sub-group simply lists events in the community and another is open for discussion if you so wish to engage. This is truly how I believe you will all benefit. If you do not wish to know about my events because you are out of the country, on vacation, do not have the time and space at this time, your time will not be wasted by my posts popping up as long as you turn off notifications for WhatsApp (which I always suggest - please do not have notification pop-ups turned on on your phone). When you need me, you know where to find me.

Why so much hate on Instagram?

Just so you know, I am not a total IG hater. I know that just like with anything there are good sides as well. Besides being "the place" people most use to find events, products, etc., it is also "the place" for finding like-minded individuals, to collaborate and stay relevant, to be in touch with people you love who are not nearby. I have met and stay connected to so many amazing people via this app. Will I miss all of this? Probably only the latter. I honestly am moving into an era of my life, I've kinda been calling it my integration era, where I don't need to know about the events or products out there, not to the degree that IG shares it with me. I know where to find things if I'm interested. I guess I'll kinda miss the collaboration aspect but I honestly think if a collaboration is meant to be it will happen anyway and being removed will help to abate feelings of FOMO when it comes to collaborations or events. I can keep my head down and focus on what I have the energy and ability to offer, not having to deal with feelings of inadequacy or other unskillful feelings that comes from looking at someone else's side of the fence. So all this to say, I think the positives of going off will far outweigh the positives of staying on although I am fully aware that there will be some things I will miss. I am excited for the space it will allow me to be fully present with those around me, my family, my friends, and my local community who are all at the heart of what I do and offer.

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